What Is Dairy Free Ice Cream Made Out Of? 

With more and more people choosing dairy-free ice cream, the world of frozen treats is changing in a tasty way. Dairy-free ice cream surprises people who can’t handle lactose, are vegan, or are just looking for healthier options. What, then, does this dreamy, creamy treat that doesn’t use milk or cream look like? We’ll explore the magical world of dairy-free ice cream in this piece, looking at the new ingredients and methods that give it its delicious flavors and smooth textures. Prepare to solve the secrets of this tasty frozen treat one scoop at a time.

But Why Dairy-Free?

There are a few reasons why goods without dairy might be a better choice. 

Picking ice cream without dairy is better for the earth because it uses less water and land and produces fewer greenhouse gases. These are some numbers for you:

It takes about 120L of water to make one cup of dairy milk. 5L to 74L is needed for non-dairy milk. 

It takes 7,000 square feet of land to grow one glass of dairy milk daily for a year. That’s more than ten times as much land as is needed to grow oat milk, which is the next most useful option. 

Three ounces of dairy milk use up more than twice as many warming gases as three ounces of milk without dairy.

Scientists at the University of Oxford say that these numbers make it very clear that plant-based milk is better for the environment than cow milk. Eating more plant-based foods might be the simplest and most important thing you can do to help the earth. 

The weather is bad for us. Small changes can have a big effect, like picking dairy-free ice cream over regular ice cream. There is no need to worry about taste, texture, or stability because dairy-free ice cream can taste quite similar to regular dairy ice cream. 

If you choose dairy-free ice cream, you have nothing to lose, which will help the environment. 

How To Make The Best Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream?


  • Two 13- to 15-ounce cans of full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar or a sweetener like honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, or cane sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • Two tablespoons of cornstarch or one tablespoon of arrowroot starch
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla powder
  • You can add nuts, chocolate (or carob) chips, fruit purée, cacao bits, and other things if you want to.


  • 2-quart pot
  • Scoop made of wood
  • A glass or plastic dish to keep the base cool
  • Ice cream machine that can hold at least 1.5 quarts
  • Fridge container, like a cake pan or a pint container
  • Sheets of paper or wax


  • Make sure the bowl of the ice cream machine is frozen. The bowl of the ice cream machine needs to be frozen at least 24 hours before you want to make the ice cream. It should be completely frozen before you use it. If you shake it, you shouldn’t be able to hear any liquid moving inside.
  • The coconut milk should be shaken. On the shelf, coconut milk cans split into two layers: a thick, creamy layer and a thin, watery layer. Before you open the cans of coconut milk, give them a good shake to mix the layers.
  • Put the coconut milk in a pot. Put the rest of the coconut milk into a pot with 2 quarts.
  • Save half a cup of coconut milk. Get the coconut milk out of the cans. Take 1/2 cup and put it in a small bowl.
  • Put the sugar and salt in. Put in the sugar, agave, maple syrup, honey, or sugar, along with the salt.
  • Get the coconut milk warm. Over medium-low heat, stir the coconut milk every once in a while for one to two minutes or until the sweetness is fully mixed in.
  • Mix the starch into the coconut milk that you saved. Mix the starch with the 1/2 cup of coconut milk that you saved and mix it in completely with a whisk.
  • The cornstarch mix should be added to the coconut milk. Gently whisk the cornstarch mixture and pour it into the warm coconut milk. This is the base for your ice cream.
  • Get the ice cream base hot until it gets thick. Turn up the heat to medium. It will take about 6 to 8 minutes of stirring now and then until the base is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Do not let the base boil.
  • Do not beat the vanilla in. Take the base off the heat and add the vanilla.
  • Cool the base down. Spoon the base into a small bowl. So that it’s not too hot when you put the base in the fridge, let it cool down a bit on the counter. Press a plastic wrap against the surface before putting it in the fridge. This coconut milk base doesn’t form skin as badly as a milk-and-egg base, but it doesn’t hurt! Put the jar in the fridge for at least 4 hours or up to 3 days with the lid on.
  • Start the churning. The base should be totally cold and have a texture a little like pudding. Mix the base with the ice cream and start the machine.
  • Add more milk until it’s the consistency of soft serve. Whirl the ice cream around in a mixer until it gets thick, like soft-serve ice cream. This could take 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your machine, so keep an eye on it! Add anything else you want to know, and churn for a few more seconds to ensure it’s all mixed in.
  • Put it in a jar for freezing. Put the ice cream into a jar that can go in the freezer. Place a piece of wax or parchment paper on the surface to stop ice crystals from forming. Close up the jar.
  • Put it in the freezer for four hours. The ice cream must be frozen for at least 4 hours to get hard.
  • Warm up a bit before serving. Allow the ice cream to warm up on the counter for a few minutes if it is too hard to scoop. Coconut ice cream melts faster than milk-based ice cream, so don’t wait too long!

Are Dairy-Free And Lactose-Free The Same Thing?

No, dairy-free and lactose-free are not the same thing.

Most goods that don’t have lactose are made from dairy. Lactose is a sugar that is found naturally in milk. Enzymes called “lactase” are needed for the body to break down lactose. People who can’t handle lactose properly don’t make enough of this enzyme in their bodies. This is known as lactose sensitivity. Most of the time, “lactose-free” foods are still made from animal dairy, but the lactose has already been broken down. 

Still, some brands, like Eclipse, are lactose-free, but they don’t come from milk that has had the lactose removed. You should always check the list of ingredients to know what you’re working with! 

Items marked as “dairy-free” don’t have any dairy in them. That brings us back to why you want to avoid cheese. Are you trying to cut out dairy, or are you just unable to handle lactose? Stick to vegan, dairy-free ice cream to avoid all dairy. 

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